Monday, December 3, 2007

USSR ver 2.0 beta

Bright Future
Since the Second World War, Russia has never been attacked by any foreign state. Russia itself has attacked and occupied almost all its neighbors. Half of Europe has been colonized for almost a half of 20 century. Countries closer to Russia have still problems to defend their independence.Does really anyone seriously think that there is any thread to Russia today (except for possible terrorist attacks) ? In recent years, Russia has quadrupled its military expenses. Yes, they still spend much less on army then USA, but prices are very different in both countries. Russian army can buy more soldiers for the same money then American one.Russia has reactivated its strategic bomber Tu-160, it is the only such plane in service today, all other countries have abandoned similar programs. Russia has developed and successfully tested the strongest conventional bomb ever constructed (Vacuum Bomb). (Note that the biggest nuclear bomb - Tsar Bomba - has been made by USSR.)Russian leaders have changed their rhetorics, they don't talk about communism any more. The imperialistic character of their politics stays the same as before. The same people are in power, only the most stupid and oldests have left. What would be the reaction if a former SS or Gestapo leader becomes German president 15 years after the end of the War ? Exactly that has happened in Russia.Russia is again building its Camp of the Peace and Socialism (just the name has changed) and creates coalitions with worst regimes in Earth. The new division of the world has started - who will fall into its neosovietic trap ?

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